We invite graduate and early-career scholars from across the Humanities to join us on 17th June 2019 at Lincoln College,Oxford, for a one-day conference on Anglo-German relations, 1918 to the present day.
The aim is to bring together academics working on Anglo-German topics from a range of disciplines and perspectives in order to survey the current landscape of scholarly research in the field. By sharing common themes, problems, and approaches, we hope to develop a more nuanced picture of relations between the two nations than those presented in grand political narratives and existing historiographies.
The keynote speaker will be Prof. Jan Rüger (Birkbeck, University of London), author of The Great Naval Game: Britain and Germany in the Age of Empire (Cambridge, 2007), and Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea (Oxford, 2018), which was shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize.
To apply, please submit a short proposal (c. 300 words) for papers of up to 25 minutes in duration, along with a short biographical note. We welcome any proposals covering Anglo-German relations within the following contexts:
- Britain and Weimar Germany
- War, Nazism, and the Holocaust
- Britain, the Federal Republic, and the GDR
- Britain and Germany after ‘die Wende’
Typical themes might include: cultural encounters (i.e. literature, music, art), war and memory, society and migration, travel, intellectual ideas, sport, language, politics and diplomacy, and trade and economics.
We particularly welcome proposals from graduates in the following disciplines:
- History
- History of Art
- Literature Studies
- Languages and Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- International Relations
Modest travel and accommodation bursaries are available for confirmed speakers (estimated to be around £70-£130, dependent on distance travelled). Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please send all applications and enquiries to anglogermanstudies@gmail.com by 14st April 2019.
For more information, please visit: www.anglogermanstudies.wordpress.com