OCCT are hosting Journeys in Translation, a poetry reading and discussion, on Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at the Radcliffe Humanities building. Poets and translators Flair Donglai Shi, Antonella Delmestri, Ambrose Musiyiwa, and Kathleen Bell will discuss their work and look at the 14 poems from the anthology Over Land, Over Sea: Poems for those seeking Refuge (Five Leaves Publications, 2015) that are being translated into other languages and art forms as part of Journeys in Translation. On Monday of Week 4, the Discussion Group will take place in the brand New Library and Academic Centre at St Anne's. The Discussion Group will be structured as an experiment in comparative reading out of context, and no preparation is required!
In Week 3, Tong King Lee (University of Hong Kong) gave a talk entitled Modalities of Cybertext Poetry: John Cayley vs. Hsia Yu and Giovanna Colombetti (University of Exeter) spoke about Alluring Objects, Scaffolded Minds: How We Use the World to Transform Our Affective Life.
Events and CFPs
1.First German Research Seminar at the University of Edinburgh for this semester on Friday 2 February, given by Prof. Nicola McLelland (Nottingham), to which you are all warmly invited. The seminar will start at 4.30pm at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Hope Park Square.
Prof. McLelland will talk on the topic of 'The history of learning and teaching German (and other modern languages) in Britain, 1500-2000'
This paper will make the case for what we can learn from the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) in Britain, with particular focus on German, but also making reference to other languages. It will seek to illustrate the value of HoLLT with reference to three areas: 1. the history of grammatical and linguistic description, taking word order, phonology and prepositions as examples; 2. the history of cultural representations of Germany and German speakers, with a particular focus on representations of Germany during and after the Second World War; and 3. the social history of the status of languages and of language learning. The history of teaching methods and of assessment will also be touched on briefly, as will questions of language study and gender (social gender, rather than grammatical!).
2. Talk by Deborah Smith (translator/publisher)
time: 5th February, 5-6pm
venue: at the Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities (3rd floor)
3. Translating P’ansori: Where Music and Language Meet
Talk by Dr Anna Yates-Lu (University of Oxford)
Time: 6th February 2018, 4-5pm
Venue: Graduate Centre Common Room, Hertford College Graduate Centre, Folly Bridge, OX1 4LA
4. Extended: Call for Papers
International conference Old Masters and New Monsters - Trends and Perspectives in Horror Literature at the Turn of the Millennium. The conference will take place at the University of Padua on 12-13 April 2018. We would be glad if you would like to share it.
Please submit an abstract of your proposal to convegnohorror@gmail.com before 15.02.2018. The abstract should not exceed 150-300 words, and should include a title and a short biographical note. The authors of the accepted papers will be notified before 22.02.2018. Papers in Italian, in English, in French, and in Spanish will be accepted.
Dr Eleni Philippou
Comparative Criticism and Translation