KE Fellow Awarded Literarisches Colloquium Residency

Karen and Ulrike Almut Sandig

Knowledge Exchange Fellow, Professor Karen Leeder was chosen for the Vice Versa Translation Project in Berlin. She was awarded a residency at the prestigious Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin (LCB) to work with poet Ulrike Almut Sandig. Suppported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the LCB hosts German and English language translators who work together intensively with chosen writers for a week. Professor Leeder will welcome Ms Sandig and other European poets to the Southbank Centre this Summer and Oxford this Autumn for a poetry reading evening and other events associated with her Knowledge Exchange project: Mediating Modern Poetry

Two Poems by Ulrike Almut Sandig, translated by Karen Leeder, in Modern Poetry in Translation.

Photo: Poet Ulrike Almut Sandig and Professor Karen Leeder. 

KE Project  |  Mediating Modern Poetry