Oxford DNB research bursaries in the humanities, 2016-17 ODNB

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Closing date for applications: Sunday, 12 June 2016

Applications are invited for three research bursaries to work on humanities research projects in the academic year 2016-17. We’re looking for scholarly, creative, and defined projects that will extend our understanding of the British past and culture using the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and its biographical data.


  • two Oxford DNB bursaries are for research projects in the field of History, broadly defined.
  • one bursary will be awarded in association with the Visiting Scholar Scheme at the Oxford Centre for Life Writing (OCLW) at Wolfson College, Oxford. The OCLW / ODNB bursary is for a research project in the fields of English, Music, Art or Philosophy.


The three bursaries are open to PhD students or post-holders at a Higher Education Institution in the UK or overseas; or an individual undertaking scholarly research in the humanities—for example, as an archivist, librarian, museum curator, or in a private capacity without such an affiliation.

Application guidelines and further information can be found here: http://global.oup.com/oxforddnb/info/news/researchbursaries/


The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, OCLW