Ancient Epic in Modern Performance

Ancient Epic in Modern Performance

The Faculty of Classics at Oxford University invites you to an evening of discussions about harnessing ancient stories to create compelling, modern drama.

Professor Teresa Morgan, Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Classics, will introduce the two presentations and give an update on the Faculty's activities. Talks start from 18.40.


Performing Epic

Professor Fiona Macintosh and Dr Justine McConnell will share the fascinating productions uncovered by Performing Epic – a three-year research project conducted under the auspices of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD).

The classicists will show how new theatrical, danced, and sung productions in every continent of the world in recent years have been inspired by verse narratives of quest, adventure, conflict, and destiny (such as the Greek and Roman Iliad, Odyssey, Argonautica, Aeneid, Metamorphoses as well as the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh, the Indian Mahabharata, and the West AfricanSundiata).

Ancient dance in modern dancers and Avid for Ovid

How can you tell stories in a language that nobody speaks? Dr Helen Slaney from the Ancient Dance in Modern Dancers project (part of APGRD) and members of collaborating dance company Avid for Ovid will discuss the process of re-creating Roman pantomime.

Contact Kate del Nevo by email or call 01865 610235.


Humanities & Performance

Audience: University of Oxford only