On 21 to 24 June, staff and students from the University of Bonn will come to Oxford for an intense three-day colloquium on medieval German literature and culture. This annual meeting open to all undergraduates that have taken medieval papers, provides an excellent opportunity to train presentation skills, test proficiency in German conversation and medieval merrymaking. The Bonn and Oxford students will be working with the Reformation holdings of the Taylorian and try their hand at printing the 95 Theses. As venues, we will make use of seminar rooms at Somerville College and the medieval surroundings of St Edmund Hall both as a conference venue in the congenial atmosphere of the Old Library and also to participate in the world premiere of scenes from the ‘Juttenspiel’, a 15th century German Pope Joan play translated for this occasion into English by Oxford students. Everybody welcome to the performance in the Chapel on 23 June, 6pm, and to the drinks afterwards in the Antechapel!
Freitag, 24. 06. 2016 (Bodleian)
10.00-12.00 Walker Thompson (Magdalen): Die 95 Thesen. Einführung in historische Drucktechniken. Workshop in der Druckwerkstatt der Bodleian