Old Frisian Summer School Public Lectures
The following lectures will be open to the public. Please book by sending a message to oldfrisian@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk (no booking required for university card holders).
Venue Thursday 11th July 9am-12.20pm, Taylor Institution Library, room 2
Venue Friday 12th July, 3.15pm, Weston Lecture Theatre
Dr Nelleke Ijssennagger, Cardiff
9am, Thursday 11th July, Taylorian: ‘Anglo-Frisian Connections - Archeology and Written Record’
Dr Patrick Stiles, London
10.45am, Thursday 11th July, Taylorian: ‘Anglo-Frisian Connections - Linguistic Considerations’
Dr Johanneke Sytsema, Oxford
12noon, Thursday 11th July, Taylorian: ‘The Alistair Campbell Collection and Old Frisian’
Dr Kees Dekker, Groningen
3.15pm, Friday 12th July, Weston Lecture Theatre: ‘Franciscus Junius' and Friends' contributions to Old Frisian Studies’