The Queer Studies Research Network Undergraduate Symposium

undergrad symposium

The Queer Studies Research Network are delighted to announce our first annual undergraduate symposium! 

We have a fantastic line-up of undergraduate speakers as well as a fabulous performance and keynote speaker! 


Niamh White (Keble): Receptions of Queer Feminism within Dartmouth College’s Women’s Movement 1975-2000 

Xavier Roberts-Gaal (New College): Much Ado About Nothing? Asexual identity formation and its challenges in adolescence

Tori Mangan (Wadham): 'Is Orlando trans?'

Roan Runge (Exeter): 'I wish there was a world for us’: Utopic Glimpses of Lesbians, Trans Women and Queer Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy Comics.

Jaycie Carter (Christchurch): Challenging the racialised and gendered hierarchical binaries of objectivity/subjectivity in Queer Studies. 

Alexander Rostron (Wadham): The colonial dynamics of male/male sexual encounters and the eroticisation of the colonised land in André Gide’s 'Si le Grain ne Meurt' and 'L’Immoraliste.'

Nicky Clark (LMH): The vilifying of trans people and the obscuring of their voices by the British Press

Keynote by: 

Dr Charlie Jeffries (Keble)

Performance by:

Christian Adore and Eaton Messe's Dragprov Revue!

The symposium will be followed by a drinks reception. This event is free and open to all (venue is accessible). 

This event is sponsored by The Queen's College JCR LGBTQ Officer.


Queer Studies Network

Contact name: Eleri Watson

Contact email:

Audience: Open to all