We are very excited to present the fourth in our series of fortnightly Queer Theory Research Lunches. Each event will comprise of three Oxford-based researchers from across the humanities and social sciences speaking for ten minutes each about how their work engages with queer theory, followed by half an hour of group discussion.
We aim to facilitate a space in which those whose work currently engages with queer theory can network. We also wish to provide an opportunity for all those at Oxford who are interested in queer theory to find out how it is being used here and how they themselves might engage with it, without any requirement of prior preparation.
This week, Santina Sorrenti (MSt Women’s Studies) will speak about how trans identities engage in aesthetic activism through the circulation of visual culture on social media. Jacob Bird (DPhil Music) will discuss locating the ‘structurally queer’ voice within drag lip-sync performance and how these performances reflect his subjects’ self-professed queer identities. Eleri Watson (DPhil English) will focus on post-1945 Los Angeles with reference to Isherwood’s A Single Man, examining the role and possibilities of ‘bumping’ in gay life and relationships.
Meet us at the Merton Porter’s Lodge by 12:30 and we will walk to the Mure Room together.
All are very welcome to attend, including undergraduate students and non-academic staff.
Image: JA Nicholls. nice to hold. Oil & acrylic on canvas. Used with kind permission of the artist.
Humanities & Performance
Queer Studies Network
Contact name: Ruth Ramsden-Karelse
Contact email: ruth.ramsden-karelse@merton.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Open to all