3D-Modelling and Recording Using a Web App – Kornelius Goetz


3D-Modelling and Recording of the Inventory by a Web App

Kornelius Goetz, Office for Conservation Consultancy, Meitingen

10 June 2021


This presentation introduces a web application which was developed specifically for documenting architectural and cultural heritage. For each project there are different templates for buildings, rooms, inventory, and recording damage and diagnosis and for documentation or conservation purposes. The templates serve as a checklist for the creation of the inventory and for recording damage and are derived from two European standards. The web app integrates 3D models from Matterport via an API. Models can be measured on screen with an accuracy of about one centimetre. Given these features, the web app presents a number of advantages over other commercial offerings.


This presentation was delivered at the (en)coding Heritage Seminar Series, which brough together researchers working at the cutting edge of digital technologies, humanities and heritage science. The session was dedicated to Mapping Real and Imagined Sites. The full programme can be found here.


Organised and chaired by Dr Lia Costiner (University of Oxford) and Dr Leonardo Impett (Durham University) for the Oxford (en)coding Heritage Network.

(en)coding Heritage Network, TORCH Networks