AI Futures and the Curated Visitor Experience | Project Contributors

Collaborators for this project:


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Maggie McGrath

PhD student

Oxford Internet Institute

Maggie McGrath (she/her) is a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute studying algorithmic image search used by creative professionals in the ideation process.





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Nancy Salem

DPhil Student

Nancy Salem (she/her) is a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute researching public understanding of artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision making through public sector initiatives in the cultural sector.






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Laura Herman

DPhil Student

Laura Herman (she/her) is a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute, where she researches emerging technologies’ (e.g. algorithms) impact on artistic creation, curation, and perception through an inclusive and international lens.






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Dr Kathryn Eccles

Senior Research Fellow Oxford Internet Institute

Dr Kathryn Eccles (she/her) is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, where she leads a research programme on the impact of digital tools on public and scholarly engagement with cultural heritage narratives, objects and spaces.






Academic partners:

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Dr Caterina Moruzzi

Research Associate, Department of Philosophy                                                                                         

Associate Fellow, Zukunftskolleg - Institute for Advanced Study, University of Konstanz







Dr Joasia Krysa

Professor of Exhibition Research                                                                                                           

Head of Art and Design at Liverpool John Moores University’s School of Art and Design






Exhibition designers helping with Design Interrupted:




This project is funded by the Minderoo AI Challenge Fund.