Algorithmic Resistance Cookbook (ARC)

moshed 2021 4 15 16 31 21 copy

Project Co-leads:

Elena Hess-Rheingans

Andreas Tsamados 








About the project:

This project seeks to create a handbook for algorithmic resistance — a collection of resources on algorithmic and data-related resistance and appropriation. It is an attempt at locating individual agency within technological systems of power. The handbook is primarily intended for people who look for ways to practice resistance to restraining and oppressive aspects of present-day algorithmic culture, whether individually or collectively, whether pro-actively/productively or re-actively/disruptively. 


The handbook is particularly directed at activists who want to address and subvert social injustices perpetrated and perpetuated by algorithmic systems. Here, it shall serve as a fluid library of resources and tools, offering practical information and guidance on resistance strategies. In this sense, it resembles a ‘cookbook’ providing useful recipes for action. The goal for the cookbook is to evolve into a crowdsourced wiki. Anyone who knows about something that could be relevant and useful to other people should feel free to add it to the collection. 


We will include tools and techniques available to most individuals today. This first version of the Algorithmic Resistance Cookbook establishes the rationale behind algorithmic resistance and describes a number of tools and techniques that can be found online. The handbook is conceptualised to live in “perpetual beta”, meaning that it will constantly change to reflect newly crowdsourced contributions.


Help by curating or contributing to the cookbook: 


Image Credit: The original artwork is by Timwaves


This project is funded by the Minderoo AI Challenge Fund.






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future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities.