Human (A)Intersections

The Futures Thinking Network seeks posters that communicate an idea on the theme of the intersection between humanity and artificial intelligence. Submissions should be in a format that can be displayed on a large monitor or within the reception space at the Futures Thinking Network’s launch conference. The best six posters will be printed and displayed over a sustained period in The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities (TORCH). If you are unsure whether a format will be compatible, please contact the organisers. In keeping with the Futures Thinking Network, originality is encouraged but the emphasis should be on outreach––conveying your idea clearly in a way that can be understood by a public audience.


human ai intersections


All entries will be appraised and responded to by a panel including Elleke Boehmer, Professor of World Literature at the University of Oxford, and acclaimed artist Sonia Boué. Your entry should consist of a poster and a brief statement (150 words max.) outlining what you hope to communicate to your audience with your piece. The judges will consider how well the poster achieves this aim, and prizes will be crowdsourced from within and outside the Futures Thinking Network.


All posters will be displayed at the inaugural Futures Thinking Conference this October.


The deadline for submissions is June 30.


If you have any questions please contact us via email: 


human ai intersections