Meet your 2020/2021 TORCH Knowledge Exchange Fellows!

TORCH is delighted to announce the new Knowledge Exchange Fellows for 2020/2021! The Knowledge Exchange Fellowships enable Oxford researchers to facilitate new, or develop existing, relationships with external partners that further the reach and significance of research in all disciplines in the Humanities Division at Oxford, and Humanities related research in any other Division at Oxford. Read on to learn more about the Fellows' projects. 

Brightly coloured fireworks explosion

Dr Aaron Graham  |  Faculty of History 

Collaborating Partner: Friends of Canons Park  |  Mr Ian New 

Making heritage accessible: the Duke of Chandos and Canons Park 

This KE Fellowship will help to develop in collaboration with the Friends a freely-available audio tour of the park and its heritage, drawing on my ongoing research into the career of Chandos and the history of the house and grounds. 


Dr Alice Little  |  Faculty of Music 

Collaborating Partner: English Folk Dance and Song Society  |  Mr Malcolm Barr-Hamilton 

Mapping English 'national music' of the eighteenth century 

Using around 160 printed tune collections, I will create a database of their contents, alongside publication data such as date and location - this will enable statistical analysis of a large enough dataset to identify significant patterns. 


Dr Stefano Evangelista  |  Faculty of English 

Collaborating Partner:  Literaturhaus Berlin  |  Dr Sonja Longolius 

Bodleian Library  |  Ms Madeline Slaven 

Berlin through the Eyes of British Writers 

This Knowledge Exchange Fellowship is designed to support a one year long collaboration with the Literaturhaus Berlin, which will result in the exhibition 'I am a Camera: The Berlin Myth through the Eyes of British Writers'. The exhibition will feature a mixture of traditional exhibits (books, maps, manuscript letters, diaries, photographs) and film clips, broadcasts and an especially realised sound installation. 


Professor Susan Jones  |  Faculty of English 

Collaborating Partner: Yorke Dance Project  |  Ms Yolande Yorke-Edgell 

Dance As Grace: Paradoxes and Possibilities 

This project explores the concept of grace through a unique collaboration between Yorke Dance Project (London) and scholars of literature, theology, philosophy, art history, and engineering at the University of Oxford. 


Knowledge Exchange is the mutually beneficial sharing of ideas, data, experience, and expertise, and involves collaboration between researchers and external organisations or the public. There are many potential pathways and outcomes from this reciprocity that demonstrate both the enhancement of academic research and the benefits to society and the economy. Whether working with a theatre or charity, a local, regional or national community, or a small, medium business or enterprise, building a formal partnership with a museum or collection, co-creating a workshop with a school or external organisation, engaging the public with research ideas, or helping to form public policy, knowledge exchange is a reciprocal act which helps both parties, and has both tangible and intangible outcomes. Learn more here