OCCT TT 2022 - Week 3 Updates

Good evening!

In Fourth Week, our Discussion Group session will take place online. Join Ellen Jones to hear about her book Literature in Motion: Translating Multilingualism Across the Americas, which examines the connection between translation and multilingualism and considers its significance for the theory, practice, and publishing of literature in translation. But remember that this session requires registration: if you want to participate, please fill in this form by midnight on Sunday, 15 May.

Also, this coming week sees the official announcement of the Oxford Translation Day programme! Please visit the OTD page to begin signing up for events!

Third Week featured two events: this term's Fiction and Other Minds Seminar, in which Professor Joseph Glicksohn and Professor Chanita Goodblatt presented their collaborative research on “Gestalt Psychology and Cognitive Literary Studies”, and the launch and choral presentation of the bilingual anthology Alibi. Thank you to everyone who attended!


Calls for Papers and Events:


[1] Event: Words Bridge Cross Borders - Prof. Carlos Rojas

Time: May 13, 2022 12:00 PM London 

Event link:  https://www.ox.ac.uk/event/words-bridge-cross-borders

Professor Carlos Rojas, a translator of works by Chinese authors including Nobel Laureate Mo Yan, speaks on the process of translation.

Rojas is Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University's Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese Literature and Film at the University of Florida. He is a cultural historian and his work and teachings primarily focus on gender, sexuality and feminist studies and arts of the moving image. In 2010, Professor Rojas published The Great Wall: A Cultural History (Harvard University Press), examining the Great Wall of China, its function and significance, through historical texts and cultural works.

To register for this event, please use this form.


[2] Event: Journée d’études on 'Translation Drafts / Brouillons de traduction'

Convened by Patrick Hersant

3 June, 9am-5pm - Maison Française d'Oxford

French will be spoken in the morning, English in the afternoon.

Au terme de quelles opérations mentales et scripturales un texte devient-il, dans une autre langue, un autre texte ? Pour mieux comprendre comment naissent les traductions, on se penchera ici sur les documents de travail de traductrices et de traducteurs : biffures et permutations, ratures et repentirs, palettes et retouches exposent sur la page un processus encore peu étudié : la traduction à l’œuvre.

Associant traductologie et génétique des textes, la génétique des traductions invite à observer le travail des traducteurs sous ses multiples aspects : rédaction, péritexte, correspondance avec l’auteur, réflexions sur la pratique, etc. Cette journée d’étude s’en tiendra toutefois à un unique objet, sans doute le moins exploité à ce jour : les brouillons de traduction.


[3] CfPs: Literary Translation and AI: Assessing Changes in Translation Theory, Pracitce and Creativity

20-21 October 2022, Sorbonne Nouvelle

Deadline for submissions: June 6, 2022

Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2022



Please send proposals in English or French before June 6, 2022 here(Please create a Sciences Conf account to do this)

Contributions should include:

  • a title

  • a 300-word abstract

  • 5 key-words

  • a bio-bibliographical note

Authors will receive a notice of acceptance by July 1, 2022. 

A selection of papers will be published in the 38th issue of Palimpsestes.


[4] Arabic Events at BCLT

You are very welcome to join us online at the British Centre for Literary Translation this month for two free Arabic-related events:


Wednesday 11 May, 5-6.30pm (BST)

BCLT Research Seminar with Michael Cooperson (UCLA)
‘French Word Games, “Untranslatable” Arabic, and Global English’

Wednesday 18 May, 4-5.30pm (BST)

Round Table with Sawad Hussain, Tarek Shamma and Myriam Salama-Carr
‘Arabic Discourse on Translation’

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