OCCT TT2021 Week 7 Updates

Don’t forget to book your tickets for Oxford Translation Day, which will take place THIS WEEK as a series of virtual events, including recordings of the shortlisted Oxford-Weidenfeld translators discussing their work. These recordings will be made available on the OCCT website on 12 June from 5pm onwards.


On 11 June, Ros Schwartz discusses her translation of A Long Way from Douala. This novel is the first publication in English of a work by Max Lobé, a Cameroonian writer hailed as an important new voice in African writing. On 12 June, join Adriana X. Jacobs to discuss and read poems from her translation of Vaan Nguyen’s The Truffle Eye. Vaan Nguyen has been described as "a veritable juggler of Hebrew," a poet whose work radically remixes world classics and pop culture, the personal and the political, past and present. Also, on 12 June, Abdilatif Abdalla and Annmarie Drury read from Abdalla’s poetry collection Sauti ya Dhiki (Voice of Agony), one of the most important Swahili poetry collections of the twentieth century, and discuss its art and the story behind it. All events are free but require registration. Register here by 6pm on THURSDAY 10 Junehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Z_z4PhIy-DZzYWGLdKU-iXJDpJwZEoWdnVNwtKOx458/viewform?edit_requested=true.


The Fiction and Other Minds seminar is hosting an online conference entitled I and We: Literary Texts and the Constitution of Shared Identities. Programme and registration details here: https://www.occt.ox.ac.uk/fiction-and-other-minds-14.


For our last Discussion Group of term, we will host the award-winning playwright Dipo Agboluaje, who will discuss with Tiziana Morosetti (Goldsmiths) questions of adaptation and re-writing in his own version of Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children (Nottingham Playhouse, 2004), as well as the challenges of ‘translating’ African cultures on the contemporary British stage. More info here: https://www.occt.ox.ac.uk/discussion-group-%E2%80%98translating%E2%80%99-mother-courage-and-her-children-africa-and-uk.


Finally, we are looking for a new co-convenor to host the Discussion Group! If you are a graduate student who will be staying in Oxford next year, consider joining us: it is a great chance to get involved with OCCT, stay up to date with new developments in the field, and meet researchers and practitioners of translation from all over the world. If you are interested in this role, and would like to know more about what it entails, contact anna.saroldi@merton.ox.ac.uk.




1. Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland


ONLINE CONFERENCE 2021 -- Swansea University, 1-3 September 2021


REGISTRATION OPEN - deadline Friday, 20 August 2021 (early registration is encouraged)




The lead panel of the Swansea conference will be on the theme German Futures, Future German/ies. Regular panels will be running as well as a number of one-off panels.


2. The Journal of Ecohumanism (https://journals.tplondon.com/ecohumanism/index) aims to open up new possibilities in reconfiguring the multidimensional internship among humans and more than the human world by focusing on the structure, mechanics, functionalities and representations of this internship as manifested across ecohumanist and civil contexts. Since environmental humanities ample research has looked at variable aspects of ecological citizenship, we have to focus on globalization’s temporality in the rise of Citizen Humanities. In this sense, we are in the midst of constant transformations and evolutionary processes, contributing to the world being and defining, even perceiving new planetary narrations. In response, the Journal of Ecohumanism develops conversations to consider how time and conditions shape the concept of citizenship as form, structure, identity, mechanics, representation and insight, as well as how ecohumanism affects our civil experience of time.

Moreover, the Journal of Ecohumanism features original research articles, discussion papers and book reviews in a great range of topics covered by critical ecohumanism and citizenship, including but not limited to works informed by cross-cultural and transnational approaches; literary theory, cultural criticism, cultural studies, environmental humanities, comparative literature, ecopoetics, DNA/transgenic/algorithmic poetics, ecofeminism, ecopsychology, eco-/bio-art, matters of symbiosis and the era of Symbiocene, citizen humanities, citizen literature and art, continental philosophy, bioethics, semiotics of space and place, postcolonial studies, animal studies, religious studies, disability studies, media studies, eco-linguistics, biopolitics, civil justice, medical humanities, gender studies, social studies, narrative studies, anthropology, smart cities by focusing on their materiality, structure and textualities, bioterrorism, pandemic literature and art, and related topics about the future of humanities. All the aforementioned disciplines change how we understand the concept of citizenship by interpreting and translating the complexities of the world that we live in alongside the interplays among humans and more than the human world.

In conclusion, the Journal of Ecohumanism is open to contributions from around the globe by enriching and promoting the interdisciplinary dialogue between academics, practitioners, policymakers, and students working on different disciplines and encouraging the ecohumanist and citizen narratives in both theory and praxis.

Currently, submissions in English, French, Italian, Greek, and Turkish are considered. For all articles, an abstract in English is required. For submissions in other languages, an abstract in English and another abstract in the original language are required.

The Journal follows a strict double-blind review policy embedded in our general publishing ethics and supported by rigorous academic scrutiny of papers published.

Journal of Ecohumanism aims at being indexed and abstracted in mainstream platforms including  Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) |  China Academic Journals Database (CNKI Scholar) | ERIH PLUS (Erih Index) | Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals (NSD) | Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) | American Sociological Association's Publication Options Journal Directory.

Journal Founded: 2021 | Publication Frequency: Two issues a year
ISSN: 2752-6798 (Print) | ISSN 2752-6801 (Online)

oxford translation day