Registration for Procrastination: Cultural Explorations (Wolfson, 2 July 2014) is now open through the Oxford University Store.
Through papers from a variety of disciplines, the conference will chart the phenomenon of procrastination, and the fraught moral and political claims it provokes. Who procrastinates, how, and why? Is the concept a moral universal, the product of particular contexts, or unique to the anglophone world? What ‘cures’—and what unexpected defences—have various writers proposed?
Please click here for a provisional schedule for the event, which includes keynotes from Dr Tracey Potts (Nottingham) "Towards a Genealogy of Procrastination" and Professor Avner Offer (Oxford) "When to Stop?"
All are welcome. Registration costs are set at £15 for students/grads/unwaged, and £25 for waged participants.
This one-day conference was the winner of the 2013-14 OCLW-TORCH Award for a Postgraduate Conference on Life-Writing and the Humanities. It will take place at the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, Wolfson College, Oxford on 2 July 2014. For more information, visit the website or email the convenors, Elizabeth Chatterjee and Danielle Yardy (
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