Studentships Offered

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Applicants are now sought for two DPhil studentships as part of an interdisciplinary project on ‘Childhood maltreatment and lifetime resilience’ at the University of Oxford. One student will work in the Faculty of History on ‘Child abuse and neglect in mid-twentieth-century Britain’. The other student will work in Department of Experimental Psychology on ‘Child maltreatment and psychopathology: an investigation of risk and resilience’.

This project asks how people, variously, find ways to make live-able lives following abuse and neglect in childhood. The strengths of historical and psychological approaches are combined innovatively to enable the contextualised, multi-level study of processes that develop resilience across the life-course. Students will benefit from co-supervision in the humanities (Dr Siân Pooley) and medical sciences (Dr Lucy Bowes). Students’ interests will shape the project’s foci, but will examine these broad areas.

These studentships are part of TORCH's Humanities and Science programme, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, designed to create new interest in, and opportunities for, research that reaches between the humanities and sciences.


The deadline for applications is 13 March 2015.

For more information on this project:

For details about how to apply:


Humanities & Science
Childhood Adversity and Lifetime Resilience