The Environmental Humanities Research Hub's HT 2025 Term Card has been released:
Environmental Humanities Hilary Term 2025 Card

TORCH Environmental Humanities Research Hub
Hilary Term 205 Calendar
Environmental Humanities and the World of Policy
Thursday, January 30, 12:00-1:30pm, Colin Matthew Room at TORCH
How can the Humanities engage with policy? How can policymaking respond to Humanities research? Join us for a roundtable event about the environmental policy contributions of research across the Humanities with: Priya Atwal (Community History Fellow, Faculty of History), Tom Kelsey (Humanities and Public Policy Officer, Oxford Policy Engagement Network), Jim Hall (Environmental Change Institute), and Naomi Waltham-Smith (Professor of Music). If you would like lunch at this session, please pre-register on our website.
Mixer Event with the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery
Thursday, February 13, 10:30am-12:30pm, Oxford Martin School
We are co-hosting a roundtable of short presentations from Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences researchers. This is your chance meet other researchers across disciplinary divides! Our Environmental Humanities speakers include Venus Bivar, Amanda Power, Nayanika Mathur and Emily McLaughlin, with the Leverhulme Centre speakers to be confirmed soon.
Rethinking the Human(ities) in a Time of Planetary Catastrophe
Tuesday, March 4, 4:30-6:00pm, TORCH Colin Matthew Room
Hear from selected experts and practitioners and join the discussion on what the Humanities can contribute to interdisciplinary approaches to environmental problems, from the climate crisis to mass extinction. Participants to be confirmed.
In Conversation with Poet Jorie Graham
Tuesday, March 11, 4:00-5:30pm, TORCH Third Floor Seminar Room
This will be a hybrid event, co-hosted with the University of Toronto. Jorie Graham will join us online. For those in Oxford, please do come to TORCH so that we can participate together in person. Wine and snacks will be served. The Hub is running a writing group for PGRs and Postdocs working on environmental topics on Friday mornings (9am-12pm) in odd weeks in the Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building. Get some work done and meet fellow researchers in other departments. All welcome! If you have any queries or would like to be added to the Hub mailing list, please email For more programming information, please visit the events tab on our website.