The Oxford Sound Album

The Oxford Sound Album: Produced by Dr Toro Graven

A TORCH Knowledge Exchange Project

Cities are often famous for their visual architecture – just think of the Oxford skyline – but how do they sound? The Oxford Sound Album presents a selection of favourite Oxford city soundscapes chosen by a group of people who rely on sound for spatial information, work with or study music, or both. We hear the friendly, warm tones in Radcliffe Square; the narrow, echoing sounds in Holywell Street; the sounds of open space in University Parks; and the quiet and calm sound in the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, among many more. All soundscapes are recorded in full surround sound from the locations recommended by the person who chose them; these are introduced in a sound guide in their own words.

Listen to the Oxford soundscape here -

The Oxford Sound Album – produced by Dr Torø Graven | University of Oxford Podcasts

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