A Bold Stroke for a Wife

A Bold Stroke For a Wife poster, with white and cream text on a light blue background. There are 4 black outlines of lego figures.

Young Colonel Fainwell wants to marry Anne Lovely but there’s a problem: he needs the consent of all four of her guardians and they’re very different men. How can he possibly meet the combined approval of a stockbroker, a Quaker, an antiquarian, and an ageing fashionista? The answer: by becoming a stockbroker, a Quaker, an antiquarian, and a fashionista.

Susanna Centlivre’s forgotten comic masterpiece (1718) was hugely popular in the eighteenth century and deserves to find a new audience in the twenty-first century.

The running time will be approximately 75 minutes.

This rehearsed reading is presented in collaboration with the R/18 Collective and TORCH. It follows previous rehearsed readings of Animal Magnetism and Who’s the Dupe?.

Book your tickets here