Being for Beginners

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Many students experience what they describe as a ‘low’; a period in which they may not want or need counselling services, but recognise a need to explore ways to manage their thoughts and feelings more effectively.  They want to feel that they are coping with pressures, as well as learning and growing. But in the befuddling range of wellbeing offerings, what is ‘safe’ and where to begin?  During the current Covid lockdown this desire for learning has become more acute.

The six 75-minute online sessions will cover the following topics:

  • Being for Beginners
  • The Monkey Mind
  • Creating and changing habits
  • Working with negative thoughts and feelings
  • Interconnection
  • Thriving: intentions and strategies


The sessions will be run by Roddy Bray who founded the 'Antidote Cafe'. Roddy is an anthropologist by training. He regularly runs courses, including this workshop, at the University of Oxford and works as an expedition lecturer for respected travel companies Silversea and Scenic.

If you have any questions please email

For further information or to book the course please see the course booking page.