Being Human: festival launch

Two overlapping silhouettes of human heads, in dark and light blue.

The Being Human team warmly invite you to the first ever virtual festival launch, showcasing snippets from this year’s ‘New Worlds’-themed nationwide celebration of the humanities (12–22 November). The launch will be previewing a programme that explores everything from science-fiction futures, to immersive explorations of the past, to the role of the humanities in the present.

They will also be joined by festival patron Professor David Olusoga OBE for a thought-provoking talk in conversation with festival director Professor Sarah Churchwell, on decolonisation and ‘new worlds’. Come along for a preview of this year’s festival, which tackles some of the most important issues of our time, and bring along a drink to toast the success of humanities public engagement in 2020.

Book your free ticket by clicking here.