
belonging an in person participatory and creative arts activity


A sense of place
A sense of home
A sense of pride
But when/how Do we know We Belong?

Belonging is a collaboration with storyteller Amantha Edmead, theatre director Euton Daley and visual artist Anne Griffiths, exploring people, place and identity. A team of visual artists and theatre-makers are on hand to engage participants in conversations whilst making art around the theme of Belonging – sharing memories of migration/coming to Oxford/UK. What does belonging, to belong, to feel at home, feels, looks, smells like? Activities include a large interactive wall world map, stitching, sewing, crocheting, words around the theme of belonging. This is an ongoing project collecting stories, developing people’s sense of belonging and participants artwork will eventually be sewn onto a large canvas to create a mural. Stories heard and collected will contribute to a poem/spoken word piece and a storytelling story. Drop in and stay as long as you want!

Book your place here