Book at Lunchtime: Live Artefacts - Critical and Creative responses

book at lunchtime live artifacts


Book at Lunchtime celebrates 10 years of great book discussions and 10 years of TORCH with a special event. Critical and Creative responses to Terence Cave's "Live Artefacts".

Literary artefacts—the stories people tell, the songs they sing, the scenes they enact—are neither a by-product nor a side-issue in human culture. They provide a model of everything that cognition does. They refuse to separate thought from emotion, bodily responses from ethical reflection, perception from imagination, logic from desire. Above all, they demonstrate the essential fluidity and mobility of human cognition, its adaptive inventiveness. If we are astonished by the art of Chauvet or Lascaux as an early model of human cognition, then we should be continually astonished by what literature is and does as it reaches beyond itself to reimagine the world.

An afternoon of poetry and puppetry, readings and responses. 

The panellists and performers at this unique event include Emeritus Professor Terence Cave (Modern Languages), Oxford Professor of Poetry Alice Oswald (English), TORCH AfOx Visiting Fellow Dr Nelson Mlambo, award-winning puppeteer Stephen Mottram, Professor of Medieval Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Geneva, Guillemette BolensDr Tinashe Mushakavanhu (English), Professor Peter McDonald, (English), Professor Elleke Boehmer (English), Professor Raphael Lyne (English, Cambridge), Dr Tim Chesters (MML, Cambridge) and TORCH Director Professor Wes Williams.


Friday 2 June, 1pm lunch, 2pm-4pm performances and discussions. St Luke's Chapel, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG.

Book your place here