Book Launch: "Macbeth Macbeth" by Ewan Fernie & Simon Palfrey

macbeth macbeth launch june 1st with photo

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Join us for the book launch of "Macbeth Macbeth", by Ewan Fernie & Simon Palfrey

The tragedy is done, the tyrant Macbeth dead. The time is free. But for how long? As Macduff pursues dreams of national revival, smaller lives are seeding. In the ruins of Dunsinane, the Porter tries to keep his three young boys safe from the nightmare of history. In a nunnery deep in Birnam Wood, a girl attempts to forget what she lost in war. Flitting between them, a tortured clairvoyant trembles with the knowledge of what's to come.

A collaboration between two of the world's most eminent Shakespeare scholars, "Macbeth, Macbeth" is a unique mix of creative fiction and literary criticism that charts a new way of doing both, sparking a whole new world from the embers of Shakespeare's original tragedy. "Macbeth, Macbeth" weaves a thread that enrichens the original classic with the manic energy of Tristram Shandy, the grim intensity of Crime and Punishment, and the existential absurdity of Waiting for Godot.

Hosted by Michael Witmore, Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC

You can buy "Macbeth Macbeth" here, or the full set here.

Click here to register for this event

You will be contacted within 48 hours of the event with the Zoom link for this event. Please be aware tickets will close an hour before the event.