Call for Papers: Politics of “Alterisation”: manufacturing and governing Otherness

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Supported by the Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO), the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), and the OxPo programme (a partnership between the University of Oxford and Sciences Po), this research workshop explores the notion of alterisation, and how “Otherness” is produced by state institutions. 

A central aim of the workshop is to explore the notion of alterisation and how Otherness is produced by state institutions. Alterisation is understood here as a process of (re)definition of categories as well as group assignments and affiliations of populations considered or constituted as “Other” (Mudimbe, 1988). More specifically, this workshop examines the role played by public authorities and state institutions in the genealogy and amplification of alterisation processes both as sites of policy-making, and of elaboration and circulation of ideologies. In brief, this workshop aims at exploring the “politics of alterisation”.

Guidelines for the proposals

Paper proposals are specifically sought for presentations on subjects related to the workshop’s themes for the panel 1 (Ideologies and alterisation) or the panel 3 (Public welfare administration and the politics of rejection). For the full call for papers and more details please read this guidance document.

Proposals should not exceed 800 words and are to be sent by March 10, 2022 in PDF format to the following addresses:, and

Participants should then submit a short paper (not exceeding 20,000 characters) by April 17, 2022 which will be used as a basis for presentation and discussion.

Accommodation, travel, and catering costs will be covered for participants based in the UK; and other participants will be able to present remotely.