City Networks and Migration Governance Seminars


Below is the list of seminars as part of the City Networks and Migration Governance Seminar series.

Click here to see the full MFO Michaelmas Term programme.

The City Networks and Migration Governance Seminar is convened by Thomas Lacroix (MFO)

17 Oct., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘The incomplete local turn of integration policies in France’
Anouk Flamant (INSHEA, Paris Lumière)


24 Oct., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘Victims’ inclusion or immigration enforcement? City measures on
safe reporting of crime for undocumented migrants in the USA’
Nicolas Delvino (COMPAS)


31 Oct., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘The role of academia in agenda and policy making at the local level:
the city working group model’
Jacqueline Broadhead (COMPAS)


7 Nov., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘French Cities’ Membership in European Migration Networks: Understanding
the (Dis)involvement in Transnational City Networks’
Aisling Healy (Triangle, St Etienne)


14 Nov., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘Transforming Intercultural integration internationally: the example of Intercultural Cities’
Anne Bathily (Council of Europe)


21 Nov., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘Cities, the states and Europe in the Mediterranean:
in search for a multi-level governance model’
Ricard Zapata-Berrero (Pompeo Fabra, Barcelona)


28 Nov., 3.30-5.00pm, COMPAS

‘The horizontal dimension of the multilevel governance’
Tiziana Caponio (EUI, Florence)


5 Dec., 3.30-5.00pm, Compas

‘The challenges of a global migration governance’
Colleen Thouez (Open society), Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
(Sciences Po), Cécile Riallant (IOM)