Dialect Ideologies and Minority Language Speaker-Hood

lerg week 6 meeting


Week 6 Meeting | Dialect Ideologies and Minority Language Speaker-Hood

Friday 2 June 2023, 5.30 - 7pm

Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

All welcome. 


The theme for this week's discussion is 'Dialect Ideologies and Minority Language Speaker-Hood'. Attendees from all disciplines are welcome to the reading group, and no readings are mandatory for the session. Please find a description of the theme below:

Language ideologies act as the major reason for choice of codes and styles in any form of language interaction. Sociolinguists have been exploring the fluid dynamic between linguistic varieties with the notion of covert and overt prestige that the value of any variety is dependent on factors including the socio-economic and historical background of the variety, the context/audience, the content and so on. In recent decades, with a rising attention on the revitalisation of minority languages, minority languages became subjects of language education with or without institutional efforts. Alongside this new trend, scholarly attention on the commodification, authenticity and legitimate speakerhood of minority languages has contributed to form a subfield of sociolinguistic research. 

Language and Education Reading Group is part of the TORCH Critical-Thinking Communities