Gendered Sensations: The Intersection of Gender and Sensory Histories in the Early 20th Century

Gendered sensations: the intersection of gender and sensory histories in the early 20th century

-Wolff, Janet, ‘The Invisible Flâneuse: Women and the Literature of Modernity’, Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 2, no. 3 (1985), pp. 37-46.

-Smith, Mark M., ‘Producing Sense, Consuming Sense, Making Sense: Perils and Prospects for Sensory History’,Journal of Social History, vol. 40, no. 4 (Summer 2007), pp. 841-858.

-Corbin, Alain, ‘Preface to the English edition’ and ‘The Great Century of Linen’, in Time, Desire and Horror: Towards a History of the Senses, Polity Press, 1995, pp. iix-x, 13-38.

Speaker: Sasha Rasmussen

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Humanities & Identities

Gender and Authority

Audience: Open to all