Language, Education and Inclusivity

lerg week 8 meeting


Language, Education and Inclusivity

Friday 16 June 2023, 5.30pm - 7pm

Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

All welcome. 


The theme for this week's discussion is 'Language, Education and Inclusivity'. Attendees from all disciplines are welcome to the reading group, and no readings are mandatory for the session. Please find a description of the theme below:


This week’s reading list explores different forms of inequality that subsist both language and education to highlight the need for greater inclusivity. Language and education are two important sites that engender the production and re-production of inequalities of race, caste, gender, sexuality and ableism, among others, which makes it all the more important to identify and analyse how these barriers impact the lives of marginalised individuals and communities. This week’s discussion will engage with scholarship that focus on critiquing the normative ontologies of language and education, with the aim of producing a reading list that would help students and practitioners of these fields understand both the challenges and the opportunities we face in making language and education more accessible and inclusive in the Global South.  


Language and Education Reading Group is part of the TORCH Critical-Thinking Communities