Language, Power and Pedagogy

education south asia  w4 meeting
Language and Education Reading Group
Week 4 Meeting: Language, Power and Pedagogy

Wednesday 1 November 2023, 4.30pm-6pm

Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

All welcome. 


Join us for our upcoming Reading Group session on the intersection of "Language, Power and Pedagogy”, with a particular focus on the Global South. This session investigates the inextricable relationship of language with power, and explores how this dynamic plays out in spaces of education. Language hierarchies, language and oppression, language and pedagogical practices, language and decolonisation, and language and inclusivity are some of the themes that this session will cover. It will delve into how language can be a tool for empowerment, a vehicle for control, or a means of resistance in educational settings. This theme invites critical examination of the ways in which pedagogy and linguistic choices impact equity, access, and social structures within education, highlighting the transformative potential of language in shaping educational outcomes and social hierarchies.
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Language and Education Reading Group is part of the TORCH Critical-Thinking Communities