Letter Writing and the Holocaust: Reflections on a Source

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Thursday 22 February 2024, 2pm

Room 207, Clarendon Institute

All welcome


This week we will be joined by Charlie Knight, a doctoral candidate at the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/Non-Jewish Relations, University of Southampton. Charlie will deliver a brief talk on letters and letter-writing during the Holocaust and how these rich and varied sources continue to contribute to the study of the Holocaust.

This reading group is a place for students and researchers to discuss our research within a supportive community. The group will meet four times a term to discuss issues around our research, some of the main Holocaust historiographical issues, and the latest research and publications in the field.

Please email barnabas.balint@magd.ox.ac.uk or cailee.davis@st-annes.ox.ac.uk if you wish to be added to the circulation list.

Holocaust Studies Reading Group is part of TORCH Student Networks.