Odd Affinities: Virginia Woolf's Shadow Genealogies

odd affinities


Wednesday 5 June 2024, 4pm

Online - register via Eventbrite.


Odd Affinities: Virginia Woolf's Shadow Genealogies

A Conversation among Elizabeth Abel, Pelagia Goulimari, and Jean Wyatt

Elizabeth Abel is the John F. Hotchkis Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis and Signs of the Times: The Visual Politics of Jim Crow and the editor or coeditor of four collections, most recently, Female Subjects in Black and White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism.

Online registration closes 15 minutes before the start of the event. You will be sent the joining link within 48 hours of the event, on the day and once again 10 minutes before the event starts.

Intersectional Humanities