Presenting the Records of Historical Decision-Making

quill project event 27 feb

The Quill Project in Pembroke College, University of Oxford, is hosting a workshop on Wednesday 27 February 2019 to explore digital approaches to the records of historical decision-making. We are interested in the ways in which different projects approach the challenges of these records at all stages of the process, including creating a digital edition, modelling and analysing large corpora of data, and designing materials and tools to facilitate research or dissemination to a public audience.

The aim of the workshop is partly theoretical, but also, within the context of a Knowledge Exchange partnership, aimed at applying lessons from other projects to the specific case of the State Constitutional records in the US, and how these records might best be opened up for research and wider public engagement.

We are very grateful for the Knowledge Exchange grant which makes this workshop possible. It is open to all interested parties and there is no charge for participation in the day. To register please click here.


9.30-9.45 Arrival and Registration
9.45-10.00 Welcome (Dr Nicholas Cole)
10.00-11.15 Session I: Rethinking Digital Editions
Sarah Martin (Adams Papers Editorial Project)
Michael Pidd (University of Sheffield)
Alexander von Lünen (University of Huddersfield)

11.30-12.45 Session II: Approaches to Large Corpora of Data
Ida Nijenhuis (Hugens ING)
Kathleen Richman (LLMC)
Fraser Dallachy (University of Glasgow)

12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 Session III: Creating Materials for Classroom Use
Julie Silverbrook (ConSource)
Stan Swim (Bill of Rights Institute)
Nicholas Cole (University of Oxford)

15.30-16.45 Roundtable/Wash-Up

16.45-17.00 Conclusions and Departure

Negotiated Texts

Contact name: Dr Alfie Abdul-Rahman

Contact email:

Audience: Open to all