Renaissance Royal Weddings & Cultural Production

Renaissance royal weddings

The conference ‘Renaissance Royal Weddings & Cultural Production’ seeks to reconsider cultural output for/about royal weddings which took place between c.1400 and c. 1600, as an important source for contemporary thought about monarchy and ruling families/dynasties. It will study the royal wedding as a nexus of ideas, texts, objects and performances about the Crown and will ask how the Renaissance itself affected the culture of royal weddings, with its classicising, Italianate focus.

The conference will take place at The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities and St Anne's College, Oxford; the full conference programme can be downloaded here.

To register for the conference, please visit the University of Oxford's online store here.


Jagiellonians: Dynasty, Memory and Identity in Central Europe

Contact name: Briony Truscott
Contact email:
Audience: Open to all