The Aesthetics of Exclusion: Minorities in Film from the Muslim World | Session 1

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Wednesday 24th of January, 12 midday - 3pm (Week 2) 

Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

Film Screening: Un Été à la Goulette


Readings list for Un Été à la Goulette: 

Film analysis of the film (Spoiler Warning):

Brozgal, Lia When good sentiments make for “bad” cinema: Reconsidering allegory in Un Été à la Goulette, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 17:1, 28-37, 2013.

Debates surrounding the preservation of Jewish patromony in Tunisia:

Kazdaghli, Habib. “Chapter 11: Is Tunisia Ready for a Jewish Museum? Perspectives on the Current Debates Surrounding the Status of Jewish History in My Country.” The Art of Minorities: Cultural Representation in Museums of the Middle East and North Africa, by Virginie Rey, Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 

Background information on the historically cosmopolitan Tunisian city la Goulette: 

Russo, Carmelo. “Virgin Mary of Trapani in La Goulette (Tunisia): An Interreligious Crossing.” Locating the Mediterranean: Connections and Separations across Space and Time, 2022, pp. 129–151.

Further readings: 

A brief history of the Jews of Tunisia:  

Saadoun, Haim « Tunisia » The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in modern times. Edited by Reeve Spector Simon et. Al. Columbia University Press, 2003. 

More on North African cinema that is nostalgic for interfaith life: 

J. Watson, Robert. “Coproducing Nostalgia across the Mediterranean: Visions of the Jewish-Muslim Past in French-Tunisian Cinema.” Rivista Di Studi Politici, no. 5, Jan. 2016, pp. 105–123.

Relevant Film Concepts (Check Glossary Here

All the readings can be found here 

We will be coordinating future events on our Whatsapp group, make sure to join us to stay up to date!

The Aesthethics of Exclusion: Minorities in Films from the Muslim World is part of TORCH Student Networks