The Trouble with Pronouns

title of series in white with yellow cloud behind, black background overall

Prof. Madhavi Menon speaks to us about the politics of pronouns as they affect sexuality and language.

Join us as Prof. Menon speaks on 'The Trouble with Pronouns'. This talk takes seriously the imperative to get our pronouns "right" by asking what it would mean to get them wrong? In which languages do pronouns matter, and what does a "correct" pronoun signify? Prof. Menon will think through the politics of pronouns as they affect sexuality and language, and pay attention to the "trans" that inheres equally in translation and trans* theory. Where might a queer reading of pronouns take us, and do we even want to go there?

The presentation will feature a talk followed by Q+A.



Madhavi Menon is Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Studies in Gender and Sexuality at Ashoka University. She has published extensively on queer theory, Shakespeare, and is the author, most recently, of Infinite Variety: A History of Desire in India (2018), and The Law of Desire (2021).


Please note that this is a hybrid event. For those attending in-person, the event will be held at the Knowles Room at Wadham College in Oxford.

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