TORCH | 2021 - 2022 | Post-show Conversations

Spotlight cuts through smoke in dark theatre

Watch a live performance and share your thoughts in a post-show podcast

In Hilary term and Trinity term 2022 TORCH offered Oxford Humanities researchers the opportunity to watch and respond to a current theatre or dance production from their research perspective. We provided tickets and travel to a performance of a researcher's choosing, and accompanied to record post-show thoughts in a short podcast. The resulting mini-episodes are shared here on the TORCH website. The idea was to stir the pool of ideas, foster dialogue, and encourage a wide range of Humanities researchers to get involved in TORCH theatre and performance knowledge exchange.

Here's a taste of the questions we asked after the shows:

  • What is your research interest in this production, company or venue?
  • What did you make of the show?
  • If you had been given the opportunity to get involved at an early stage in the making of this production, what might your research or perspective have offered? 
  • Has the production given you any new perspectives on your research?

This opportunity was open to all researchers from doctoral level onwards in the Humanities Division of the University of Oxford. ALL FUNDING HAS BEEN ASSIGNED FOR THIS CALL. Future calls will be advertised here.