Translation into Theatre and the Social Sciences

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The University of Oxford, Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation, the British Comparative Literature Association, the Oxford Theatre and Performance network, the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, and St Hilda’s College are supporting the conference on 'Translation into Theatre and the Social Sciences'.

Click here to register by the 1 June 2017

Day 2: Saturday 17th June 2017

9.00-9.30 Coffee

9.30-10.30 Liliane Campos (Université Paris Sorbonne-Nouvelle) – Birnam Wood on a Liquid Stage: Fracturing the common space in recent adaptations of Macbeth

10.30-11.30 Translating Shakespeare

Enza de Francisi (Glasgow) – Adapting Ot(h)ello in New Italy: Rusconi, Carcano, and the grandi attori

Reut Barzilai (Jerusalem) – Israeli Hamlet: Staging Intercultural Translation

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

12.00-13.30 Multilingualism in Theatre Translation

Anne Bérélowitch (director, writer, and translator) – Alfred Sant's In the Shadow of the Cathedral: Political and Aesthetic impact of instant MIX adaptation for performances in France and Morocco

Kasia Lech (Canterbury Christ Church University) – They came here and stole our jobs and then they took our language: Polish-Irish-English hybrid and its potential in theatre translation

Nicholas Arnold (Adam Mickiewicz University) – “Sound and Fury' – multi-lingual performance experiences

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Margherita Laera (Kent) – The ‘Translation, Adaptation, Otherness’ Project: Towards an Ethnography of Theatre Translation Practice

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.30 Theoretical Approaches II: The Cultural Dimension of Theatre Translation

Nicole Nolette (Acadia University) – From Actor-Network Theory to a Sociology of Theatre Translation Processes: A Minority Case Study from Toronto

Maria Mytilinaki Kennedy (CUNY) – Translating the European Crisis: Theatre Translation as Historiographical Method

Cristina Marinetti (Cardiff) – Intercultural Theatre as a ‘translation zone’: multilingualism, identity and the performing body in the work of Teatro delle Albe

17.30-18.30 Plenary

18.30 Drinks Reception

Organising Committee:

Cédric Ploix, Sarah Grunnah, Giovanna di Martino, Cécile Dudouyt

Click here to view Day 1: Friday 16th June 2017


Comparative Criticism and Translation

Contact name: Cedric Ploix
Contact email:
Audience: Open to all