Week 2 Meeting | Research Methods in Language and Education

lerg w2 meeting


Wednesday 18 October 2023, 4.30pm - 6pm

Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building


Language and education are key areas and sites to understand social change, human development and questions of inequality, with different disciplines in the social sciences and humanities taking different methodological approaches to prise open their inner workings in particular contexts. This session of the Language and Education Reading Group focuses on the different methods through which research in these areas is conducted and how we can enrich such research by adopting a mixed methods approach. The aim of this session is to introduce everyone to the importance of a range of specific methods and the opportunities and challenges presented by each of them, with an overall focus on learning from each other's methods and situating language and education as interdisciplinary areas of research that stand to benefit from methodological innovation and dialogue between disciplines.


For queries, please contact the convenors:

Abhishek Ranjan Datta abhishek.datta@lincoln.ox.ac.uk, Mohini Gupta mohini.gupta@mansfield.ox.ac.uk

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Language and Education Reading Group is part of the TORCH Critical-Thinking Communities