What is Dance Without an Audience?

dance without an audience

The Dance Scholarship Oxford programme are hosting an event on 'What is Dance Without an Audience?' with Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins (Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge). What is dance without an audience? An investigation beyond language and the complexity of our social interaction to explore wordless thoughts~to include demonstrations of tango and magic.

i. Does an audience have to be real?
ii. Is dance without an audience merely ritual, resulting in an altered state, and if so, what kind?
iii. Is dance without an audience simply the confirmation of a heartbeat?
iv. Is the introspection of an intimate partner dance audience free, and if so, what is being explored?
v. Is dance without an audience the opportunity to invent and explore realities that exist outside of the compass of shared experience?


Please email miranda.c.laurence@gmail.com to reserve your place.

Theatre production and performance

Contact name: Miranda Laurence

Contact email: miranda.c.laurence@gmail.com

Audience: Open to all