What is reception history and how do we do it?

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This seminar on 'What is Reception History and How Do We Do It? Jewish and Christian Responses to Psalm 8' with speaker Sue Gillingham (University of Oxford) is hosted by The Oxford Psalms Network. ‘Reception History’ is a relatively new approach to Biblical Studies and encompasses a number of disciplines, including the reception of texts through liturgy, poetry, music and art. The Book of Psalms is an ideal text to this end, not least because over the last two millennia it has been used by both Christians and Jews in very different ways. In my paper I intend to show how this approach can bring to light several levels of meaning resonant in just one text: to this end I have chosen a controversial and fairly brief psalm, namely Psalm 8. 

This talk is part of the 'New Perspectives on the Psalms: A Series of Public Lectures'.

Well I heard there was a secret chord,
That David played, and it pleased the Lord

(Leonard Cohen, ‘Hallelujah’)

The Oxford Psalms Network is pleased to announce a series of public lectures on the Psalms bringing into conversation contemporary artists, illustrators and musicians with speakers from a range of academic disciplines, including theology, literature, music and art. From the rich tradition of rabbinic commentary through the exegesis of the Church Fathers to contemporary popular song, the Psalms have always been at the core of Judaeo-Christian culture and belief. Lectures will cover topics from the earliest evidence for the singing of the Psalms in ancient Hebrew, Greek and Latin, through medieval and early Modern translations into English, French, German and other languages and intersections with other cultures and faiths, to modern responses in visual culture and music.

All lectures will take place at 6.15pm (arrival from 6.00) in the Ursell Room, Pusey House, St Giles, Oxford, followed by a drinks’ reception.

This is a public event – all are welcome!


The Oxford Psalms Network

Contact email: psalms@torch.ox.ac.uk

Audience: Open to all