Wycliffism and Hussitism: Contexts, Methods, Perspectives

wycliffism and hussitism contexts methods perspectives image

This 3-day conference, bringing together scholars from Oxford, Prague, and other academic centres, will explore the complex relationships between Wycliffite and Hussite thinking and textual production. This is a major topic of transnational interdisciplinary research. The conference will have a primary focus on two key aspects of Wycliffite and Hussite thought. First, their location in a pan-European landscape of religious and intellectual controversy, from England in the west to Bohemia and Poland in the east. Second, on questions of methodology: i.e. the philosophical, exegetical, textual-critical and other scholarly methods that Wycliffites and Hussites developed, defined, appropriated and critiqued in the course of their endeavour to produce a range of learned and quasi-learned texts, in Latin as well as in vernacular tongues.

The conference will therefore address the following themes while bearing the above foci in mind: intellectual history; philosophy of language; Wegestreit; impact on intellectual life and on universities; methods in exegesis and eschatology; Biblical translation and translation of other learned discourses; interaction of learned and ‘quasi-learned’ discourses; devotional and other reading for the laity; international contexts/ exchanges/ synergies, especially the Councils of Constance and Basel; public intellectuals and the role of the theological magisterium; the transfer of Wycliffite and Hussite ideas across Europe; anti-Hussite polemics; afterlife of conciliar and other condemnations

For the draft programme, please click here.

Organisers: Kantik Ghosh (University of Oxford); Pavel Soukup (Charles University, Prague, and The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); Mishtooni Bose (University of Oxford); Elizabeth Solopova (University Oxford)

To Register, please click here.

A few graduate bursaries will be available to cover the registration fee. Please contact Kantik Ghosh (kantik.ghosh@trinity.ox.ac.uk) and Pavel Soukup (soukup@flu.cs.cz) no later than April 15 with a statement of interest. 

With generous support from MHRA; the Ludwig Fund, New College Oxford; the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences (project GAČR P405/12/G148); and the Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodleian Library.


Oxford Medieval Studies

Contact name: Kantik Ghosh
Contact email: kantik.ghosh@trinity.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Open to all