Workshop 2 | Black Women’s Writing: Experimental Subjectivities

Global Black Women’s Writing: Experimental Subjectivities

Intersectional Humanities Programme's Workshop series

Workshop 2: Tuesday 7 February 2023, 3-4pm UK time


Workshop convenors: Pelagia Goulimari (, Sheldon George ( and Jean Wyatt  (



Dorothée Boulanger (Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, UK)    
Brendon Nicholls (University of Leeds, UK)     
Claudine Raynaud (Université Paul Valery, Montpellier III, France)



Decolonizing Female Subjectivities in Paulina Chiziane’s Niketche: ume história da poligamia

Dorothée Boulanger (Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, UK)    


Zimbabwean Decolonization, Colonial Education and Ubuntu: Tsitsi Dangarembga’s The Book of Not

Brendon Nicholls (University of Leeds, UK)     


Writing (against) Abjection in Jesmyn Ward’s Sing, Unburied, Sing

Claudine Raynaud (Université Paul Valery, Montpellier III, France)


In what inventive ways do novels by global black women writers experiment with the representation of black subjectivity?  This set of four workshops will feature fourteen scholars of contemporary global literature who explore the inventiveness of black women writers from Britain, the Caribbean, Africa and the U.S.  Presenters will focus on authors such as Jesmyn Ward, Toni Morrison, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Paulina Chiziane, Nalo Hopkinson, Bernardine Evaristo and Helen Oyeyemi.  Through attention to the narrative form and stylistic innovations of such authors, presenters will explore how black women writers reshape the formal structure of their novels and pioneer different styles of narration in their efforts to depict the lives, histories and subjective realities of the racialized subjects represented by their characters.  Presentations will display the revolutionary content and stylistic innovations deployed by contemporary black women writers in their efforts to make readers confront and even change their fixed ideas about racialized subjects.


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