Neurodiversity Network

This network will run from 2024 to 2026.
This is a new network grounded in affirmation of neurodivergent spaces, which seeks to nurture and promote work-in-progress on neurodivergence and intersectionality. In being neurodivergence-affirming and centring the knowledge and skills of neurodivergent people, our approach is founded on what Merri Lisa Johnson and Robert McRuer call ‘cripistemologies’: the knowledge and authority that disabled people have to describe their own lives and experiences precisely because we are disabled. We aim to drive forward the field of neurodiversity studies by enabling interdisciplinary conversations about neurodivergence in the humanities in an inclusive and accessible setting. We run two events a term, providing a space for ECRs, established researchers and neurodiversity activists and creatives to collaborate and share ideas.
Neurodiversity & Disability Academic Research
UK-Wide Neurodiversity Research & Academic Networks
Network Leads:
Dr Siân Grønlie - Associate Professor in Medieval Literature and Kate Elmore Fellow in English, St Anne's College
Dr Laura Seymour - Lecturer in English, Queen’s College
Professor Paul Lodge - Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, Mansfield College
Professor Helen Swift - Professor of Medieval French Literature, St Hilda College
Dr Sneha Krishnan - Associate Professor in Human Geography, Tutorial Fellow in Geography, Brasenose College
Dr George Manning – Lecturer in English, Pembroke College
Georgia Lin – Doctoral Student, Brasenose College
If you would like to join our network or speak at one of our events, please email
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