The 1918 Allotment Project Collaborators

Collaborators for this project:

black and white head shot of woman with dark hair smiling at the camera

JC Niala

Project Lead

School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography

JC is a doctoral researcher with an interest in how people’s imaginations of nature, affects the environment. With a focus on urban practice, she has worked on food sovereignty projects in Kenya . JC has used verbatim theatre as a tool for community engagement with both adaptation and mitigation strategies for dealing with climate change. JC's current ecological project 'Plant an orchestra' brings together her love of music & trees.




fig image


Partner Organisation

FIG Website

Based between the two sister sites of Elder Stubbs Allotment and Makespace Central, Fig works with artists, writers, designers, horticulturalists and communities to support the development of innovative new work. Fig aims to open up creative spaces where art, people, and plants meet, and engage imaginatively with the key ecological issues of our time: biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. Fig uses its horticultural and studio spaces to support alternative models for the arts and experimental processes like growing materials and edible architecture.