Thirty Works Thirty Days

Bright pink text stating 30 / 30 in an abstract style

Project Lead:

Kelly Lloyd

Ruskin School of Art


Partner Organisations:



30works30days is a month-long project for makers where participants are required to submit a new piece of work every day for the month of April. If they fail to submit something one day, they are out of the project. The project is open to everyone and any medium is encouraged. In 2022 over 432 artists of all ages are participating from 21 countries around the world!!

12ø began 30/30 in 2015 to encourage making and experimentation. With the time restriction of one day you may find that the choices you make, the corners you cut, and those ideas that you couldn’t quite realise, are just as telling as the work that you produce.

2022's 30/30 digital exhibition was kindly been supported by Artquest and the Humanities Cultural Programme.

12ø is a collective motivated by interesting processes rather than shiny exhibitions. We create projects that exploit the gaps in our knowledge and our eagerness to learn. 12ø Collective’s current members are Eva Duerden, Kelly Lloyd & Lou Macnamara.

In 2022, 439 people of all ages participated from 21 countries around the world! Over the project 6,653 works were submitted on the website. See a selection of images from 30/30 2022 on the project gallery page.





Kelly Lloyd

Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme, one of the founding stones for the

future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities.