Video Recording: Disordered Sleep, Past and Present

Video recording: Disordered Sleep, Past and Present

Part of the Sleep and the Rhythms of Life Network events

Wednesday 22 November 2023, 5pm



Martin Willis (Cardiff University): Sleeping Beauties: Victorian Representations of Disordered Sleeping

What impact did the fairy tale of sleeping beauty have on the emerging science of sleep in the Victorian period? In this talk I will investigate the entanglement of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty with sleep medicine as well as popular media representations of unusual sleeping. As I will show, sleep disorders illuminate a series of representations of sleep that bring the physiology of the human body into intimate correlation with socio-economic power.


Melanie Fleming (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford): Sleep and recovery after brain injury

How can we harness the sleeping brain for learning? In this talk I will talk about the importance of sleep for learning and memory. I will discuss the impact of brain injury, such as stroke, on sleep and ways to improve sleep processes.



Find out more about this event here. 

Sleep and the Rhythms of Life Network