PSALMS in Interfaith Contexts

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The Oxford Interfaith Forum is pleased to announce the launch of an international Reading Group on Psalms in Interfaith Contexts which will explore these prayers-poems-songs from multifaith and multidisciplinary perspective.

The Book of Psalms/the Zabur/Sefer Tehillim, is among the most popular and widely read of all the books of the Bible. There is no human emotion and mood which is not represented in Psalms. Their resonance transcends time and geographical space. During the time of global crisis this ancient book has received fresh attention from an international and interfaith network of artists, clergy, activists, teachers and scholars.

The aims of the Reading Group will include to explore Psalms as a source of solace and inspiration and reflect on their role in human wellbeing, including mental health issues, and to discuss how they invite worshippers to relate to God.

The Group will meet once a month via Zoom, for an hour, to discuss a specific passage from Psalm(s) and its application in various contexts. A speaker would introduce and read a text which would be circulated previously to the members of the Reading Group. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion.


Follow the link for further information.


Oxford Psalms Network